Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

November 24, 2023

Striped bass management meetings coming up in New York, public comments welcome through Dec. 22

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will hold two public hearings in New York as it seeks public input on striped bass management. 
The New York hearings are among several being held in the Atlantic coastal states of Maine through Virginia to gather public input on Draft Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass, which considers management measures designed to support stock rebuilding by reducing fishing mortality to the target in 2024.

Striped bass management meetings coming up in New York, public comments welcome through Dec. 22 Read More »

Tradition of deer hunting runs deep on this Wisconsin family land

Kevin Kiesow remembers making the short drive as a kid with his dad from their Neenah, Wis., home to the family’s hunting land in Waupaca County.
They were back on that 40-acre mixture of woods and swamp a few miles east of Scandinavia Nov. 18 for opening day of Wisconsin’s traditional gun deer hunt. While Kiesow’s father, Keith, and another hunter remained in their stands, Kevin took a lunch break near his truck.

Tradition of deer hunting runs deep on this Wisconsin family land Read More »

Ohio-based sporting group files intent to sue USFWS on wolves

The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation recently filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This comes after the USFWS did not respond to dual petitions filed by the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation within the legal deadline of 90 days from filing. 

Ohio-based sporting group files intent to sue USFWS on wolves Read More »

Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Contest open for Wisconsin County Forest Association vehicle license plate design

The Wisconsin County Forests Association is seeking interested artists to design a new special license plate through a competitive design contest. After selection, the winning design will appear on license plates made available to Wisconsin motorists this coming summer through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Contest open for Wisconsin County Forest Association vehicle license plate design Read More »

Wisconsin Ice Fishing Expo debuts Dec. 8-10 in Oshkosh

The all new Wisconsin Ice Fishing Expo will open its doors to the Wisconsin ice fishing public for the first time Dec. 8-10 at the Sunnyview Exposition Center in Oshkosh.
This new show will come out of the gates as the state’s largest dedicated ice fishing expo. The sold-out show will feature nearly every major ice fishing brand in the industry, as well as unique ice fishing brands fishermen won’t find in big box stores.

Wisconsin Ice Fishing Expo debuts Dec. 8-10 in Oshkosh Read More »

Wisconsin 13-year-old Aubrey Raddatz finds a way to fish 200 consecutive days

Finding a way to kill time during her sister’s soccer practices turned into a big deal for Aubrey Raddatz.
Armed with their fishing poles, the 13-year-old Amherst Middle School seventh-grader and her father, Timm, would head to the Tomorrow River in Amherst to fish for trout or whatever was biting at the time while her sister practiced.
That was in April and started Aubrey’s string of 200 consecutive days of fishing that ended Nov. 12 with a family outing to Sunset Lake Park in Portage County.

Wisconsin 13-year-old Aubrey Raddatz finds a way to fish 200 consecutive days Read More »

No Pennsylvania hunting season draws a crowd like the traditional gun season for deer

Because archery hunting season remains open in the area where I live, I’ve hunted a couple of days in this extra length of opportunity to harvest a whitetail. 
As the rut has generally passed, deer movement has become restrained, their dusk to dawn activity seemingly once again becoming their favored timeframe for feeding and strolling about. This has meant those hours I’ve been sitting and watching for a deer to move close to my stand have passed slowly at best. 

No Pennsylvania hunting season draws a crowd like the traditional gun season for deer Read More »

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