Friday, February 14th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 14th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

September 19, 2023

Commentary: Wisconsin DNR making terrible mistakes on waterfowl season, Mississippi River

I have finally come to see the public input process as a sham and an exercise in futility. I am now more than simply disappointed in staff and leadership of the Wisconsin DNR as they have taken the Aldo Leopold model of wildlife management, including true public involvement, and have thrown it to the side.
I have been involved in setting the Wisconsin migratory bird seasons for about 40 years. I have seen the process erode to the point that it is apparent the DNR is perfectly willing to ignore public opinion – even that of the Conservation Congress Migratory Committee, the legislatively-recognized advisory group to the Natural Resources Board.

Commentary: Wisconsin DNR making terrible mistakes on waterfowl season, Mississippi River Read More »

Wisconsin DNR working with marketing firm to promote Great Lakes sport, commercial fishing

The  Wisconsin DNR is working with a marketing firm to promote sport and commercial fishing on the Great Lakes.
Brad Eggold, DNR Great Lakes fisheries supervisor, told the Natural Resources Board (NRB), at its Aug. 9 meeting that the DNR is working on promotional campaigns to encourage people to fish the Great Lakes and to buy commercially caught fish.
“You’ll see some of the ads on billboards and on Facebook, trying to guide people to fish the Great Lakes and enjoy the fish caught by commercial fishermen,” Eggold said.

Wisconsin DNR working with marketing firm to promote Great Lakes sport, commercial fishing Read More »

Furry thieves maraud Christine Thomas’ walnut crop

“They are all gone,” I said in agitation, as my husband, Stan, looked up in confusion.
“Every one of my 15 walnuts has disappeared. They were not even ripe. There is the largest crop of acorns I have ever seen. The crab apple trees are loaded. The cherry trees are virtually dripping with fruit. There are 26 acres of dry-land corn at the dent stage. The wild grape crop is perfectly ripe. The cabin yard, full of bird feeders, is only 100 yards away. Why? Why did they need to take 15 unripe walnuts?”

Furry thieves maraud Christine Thomas’ walnut crop Read More »

Get a load of these turkey shells: Options are certainly growing

Turkey hunters these days have a lot of decisions to make before heading afield, but that’s a good thing. Technology has brought to the table high-quality clothing and camo, blinds and decoys, all designed to make our hunting experience more comfortable and successful.
But perhaps no bigger decision is to be made than what shotgun and shell combination you’ll be toting into the woods, whether it be this fall or next spring.
The options are many, as are the questions. That’s why it’s critical to do your homework at the shooting range before the season, and get the answers you’re looking for. Here are some of the many options that may set you up for success when that moment of truth arrives.

Get a load of these turkey shells: Options are certainly growing Read More »

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