Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Small game

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Squirrels are perfect for starting out young hunters

September used to have that sweet and sour feeling. Sweet because squirrel season opened Sept. 1. Sour because my leisurely, summer mornings sipping hot, black coffee while relaxing and writing in my journals, or reading

Iowa’s rabbit, squirrel season opens Aug. 31

Iowa’s cottontail rabbit season begins Aug. 31 statewide. Iowa has an abundant rabbit population, with the southern half of the state seeing the best overall numbers.
“It should be another good year for

One Minnesota hunter’s favorite fowl is quite a dove story

Count Tom Kalahar, of Olivia, Minn., as one bird hunter who is miffed by dove hunting’s lack of popularity in Minnesota.
“I really don’t understand it,” said the 71-year-old outdoorsman and retired conservation technician

Feds pitch plan to pay hunters for lead-free hunting

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in late July announced it is unfurling a pilot program at seven national wildlife refuges to test voluntary rebates to increase the use of lead-free ammunition by hunters on

Tips for squirrel hunters as opener nears in Illinois

The telltale black stains around its mouth told me that the squirrel I had just shot was hitting the walnuts. Finding the motherload tree or stand can provide the lucky hunter with season-long action.

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