Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Chef Bios

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Alan Bergo_Taste of the Wild Contributing Chef

Chef Alan Bergo

Chef Alan Bergo is a Midwestern native. After 10 years working under chefs from Italy, he was sous chef to Chef Lenny Russo at St. Paul, Minnesota’s 7-time James Beard nominee restaurant Heartland, executive chef

Jeff Benda Harvesting Nature contributing chef to TOTW

Meet Jeff Benda

Jeff Benda is based in North Dakota, where he is an avid outdoorsman and family man. He spent 25 years in the restaurant industry and ran a successful catering business. He now focuses his time

Linda Ly Garden Betty Outdoor News Taste of the Wild Contributor

Linda Ly

Meet our newest Taste of the Wild contributor. A bestselling cookbook author – she is best known as the founder and creative force behind, a leading home/garden and adventure/recreation site in the outdoor living

Taste of the Wild Contributor_Ryan_Lisson who is also the founder of Zero to Hunt

Ryan Lisson

The Outdoor News Taste of the Wild brings you the expertise of chefs and cookbook authors from around the country who specialize in wild game, fish and wild edibles. Meet Ryan Lisson, one of these

Ellen Zachos

Meet another contributor to the Outdoor News Taste of the Wild cooking feature, noted foraging expert and author, Ellen Zachos.

Chef Jamie Carlson

One of the contributing chefs to the Outdoor News Taste of the Wild cooking feature is Jamie Carlson.

Karen Solomon

Karen Solomon is a food preservation teacher and food writer whose cookbooks include Cured Meat, Smoked Fish & Pickled Eggs; Asian Pickles: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Preserves; Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It;

Kory Slye

Another contributor to the Outdoor News Taste of the Wild is Kory Slye. Kory is the Producer of Harvesting Nature’s Wild Fish and Game Podcast. The show explores the world of cooking wild fish and

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