Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

October 29, 2024

Ralph Loos: How many deer are there in Illinois? It’d be nice to know

Now and then some naive soul (dummy) goes out on a limb – sometimes literally – and attempts to either count the deer in his or her woods or, if they’re really of the ambitious sort, estimate the size of the entire Illinois deer herd.
They are almost always laughed off the stage, proverbial or otherwise. It’s an easy trap, but when someone, anyone, tries to goad me into estimating how many whitetails roam our state’s 57,000 or so square miles, I just kind of mumble, “It’d sure be nice to know, right?”

Ralph Loos: How many deer are there in Illinois? It’d be nice to know Read More »

Mike Raykovicz: What New York hunters should know as CWD is found in captive deer

As many deer hunters already know, chronic wasting disease (CWD) has been on the radar of wildlife biologists for years. CWD is an always fatal neurological disease affecting deer, elk, caribou, and moose and was first detected in 1967 at a Colorado Mule deer research facility. 
CWD can spread directly through animal-to-animal contact or indirectly through a prion-contaminated environment. Prions causing this disease are also spread through the saliva, urine, and, feces of infected animals. 

Mike Raykovicz: What New York hunters should know as CWD is found in captive deer Read More »

Steve Pollick: Witch hazel can teach us a true nature lesson

Once while sitting on bow stand in the autumn deer woods, in absolutely still conditions when every sound is sharp and magnified, I could hear what seemed to be a “pop” and then a small “plop.”
Intrigued, I temporarily abandoned my deer quest to investigate. I moved very slowly, lest the sound of my own movements mute the soft pops and plops. I came upon the source – a blooming yellow witch-hazel bush, “spitting” its seeds.

Steve Pollick: Witch hazel can teach us a true nature lesson Read More »

Wisconsin 10-year-old tags Sawyer County bull, also age 10

A 10-year-old boy from Barneveld was among the eight winners of this year’s elk tag lottery in Wisconsin. While he only weighs in around 75 pounds, the young hunter spent most of his summer training to harvest the state’s largest game animal, eventually shooting a 6-by-6, 10-year-old bull in the northern Wisconsin Clam Lake Elk Range.

Wisconsin 10-year-old tags Sawyer County bull, also age 10 Read More »

New York’s Southern Zone crossbow season to commence as ADA permit usage continues to climb

The Southern Zone crossbow season begins Nov. 2, but more New York crossbow hunters have been afield already this autumn than during any other. That’s because of an Americans with Disabilities Act program that allows hunters with physical limitations to use a crossbow throughout New York’s archery seasons.
Although the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation began issuing the permits through the Reasonable Accommodation To Use an Unmodified Crossbow During The Regular Bow Season program as early as 2021, it began openly promoting and offering it last year, at which point roughly 3,800 hunters across the state had applied.

New York’s Southern Zone crossbow season to commence as ADA permit usage continues to climb Read More »

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