Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

October 11, 2024

New York City reservoir aqueduct work in final phase; project may impact ice fishing

The final phase of a project to repair an aqueduct system that provides New York City with about half its drinking water is underway as scheduled, meaning the system will be shut down for the next eight months.
The good news for outdoor enthusiasts is, with more than 135,000 acres of land and water within the city’s watersheds open for recreation, including boating and fishing, hunting and trapping, there will be little impact on those activities during the shutdown, according to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The only major impact is an anticipated restriction on some ice fishing activities.

New York City reservoir aqueduct work in final phase; project may impact ice fishing Read More »

Why hunt with an AR? There’s a cartridge for every centerfire situation

The easy answer to the perennial question “why would you hunt with an AR rifle?” is the same as the answer to “why would you hunt with a lever action rifle?”
“Because I want to!”
If it’s legal in the jurisdiction where you hunt and for the game you hunt, go ahead. Handicap yourself with an AR-style rifle. Wait. What? Handicap? Yes. An AR makes hunting more difficult than it has to be. In my opinion.

Why hunt with an AR? There’s a cartridge for every centerfire situation Read More »

Minnesota’s brook trout populations becoming better connected

Currently, there’s a concerted effort underway by several agencies to improve the connectivity of waterways in northeastern Minnesota through the construction or restoration of culverts.
“Brook trout need to move based on the timing of year and water levels. So, we were recognizing in some of these watersheds that populations seemed to be well underrepresented where there’s a lot of disconnectivity,” said Dean Paron, the state stream habitat supervisor for the Minnesota DNR.

Minnesota’s brook trout populations becoming better connected Read More »

New York deer hunters can continue to help feed the hungry this season

With deer seasons taking center stage across New York in the coming days and weeks, the subject of donating venison to the needy comes with it.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recently issued a press release touting the fact that the state association of New York’s 10 Feeding America member food banks collected 32 million pounds of food since launching in 2022. Among the food collected was venison. The release sought to remind hunters to participate in venison donation efforts.

New York deer hunters can continue to help feed the hungry this season Read More »

Minnesota’s Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council approves $160 million for projects

With a few clarifications and deletions from the list of projects – whose initial asking price tag hit around $403 million – the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council approved approximately $160 million for about 50 projects for fiscal year 2026.
“This is the greatest gift we ever gave ourselves, to be able to do this. Because a lot of states have things they’d like to do but they don’t have the money,” LSOHC Vice Chair Ron Schara said of this year’s available funding.

Minnesota’s Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council approves $160 million for projects Read More »

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