Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

October 7, 2023

There are certainly many monsters among us in Illinois waters

It’s human nature to want to check out new places, and this is particularly true in the sport of fishing. Have you ever slapped your forehead in wonder when you saw an angler “leave fish to find fish?” There are fishermen who are catching fish and suddenly motor off to a new spot because they think it will hold fish that will bite faster, or be bigger, than the ones they are currently catching. It usually doesn’t work that way.
I think this wanderlust hits us far too often here in the Land of Lincoln.

There are certainly many monsters among us in Illinois waters Read More »

Angling’s mysteries: What makes similar lakes fish so differently?

As fishermen, we are constantly learning. Every time we’re on the water, there’s something to learn or take away from the experience. As a lifelong angler and a fan of the sport, I have spent a great deal of time working to acquire as much fishing knowledge as possible.
In my early days, I kept detailed notes regarding moon phases, weather conditions, wind speed and direction, and more. In recent years, I’ve spent more and more time talking with friends and colleagues to see what’s happening for them. The ultimate goal: to learn more about fish species and their behaviors.

Angling’s mysteries: What makes similar lakes fish so differently? Read More »

Colorado elk bowhunt proves fun, yet deflating after vandalism

As an out-of-state visitor who pays nearly 10 times more than a resident to bowhunt Colorado’s elk, you’d appreciate a little local gratitude for your $851.24 subsidy of the state’s wildlife-management program.
But you’d be pitifully naïve to expect it. Therefore, I wasn’t surprised to find no thank-you note beneath my truck’s windshield wiper Sept. 21 when returning to the trailhead near Steamboat Springs after a 15-day backpack trip into a wilderness area. Lack of appreciation is nothing new. Some Western hunters will forever complain of nonresident “crowding” each autumn, even though all U.S. citizens share equal ownership of the West’s vast federal lands.

Colorado elk bowhunt proves fun, yet deflating after vandalism Read More »

What hunters and wildlife officials are saying about EHD in southeastern New York’s deer herd

As an avid outdoorsman, I learned three things right away when I moved to Ulster County, N.Y.: there are ticks on seemingly every blade of tall grass, there is a thriving population of black bears, and the deer herd is afflicted with Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease, or EHD. 
I’ve been deer hunting for many years, and in many areas of New York State, and I can testify to the fact that the whitetails in different regions of the state – while the same species – are diverse in their lifestyle, and to some extent, their appearance.

What hunters and wildlife officials are saying about EHD in southeastern New York’s deer herd Read More »

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