Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Comments sought on Fernberg Project in and adjacent to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters

The Fernberg Project road corridor stretches 15 miles east of Ely. The project includes mixed land ownership encompassing approximately 174,873 acres, including approximately 84,000 acres inside the BWCAW. (File photo courtesy of USDA Forest Service)

Duluth, Minn. — The Fernberg Project in northern Minnesota proposes management activities for “wildland urban interface” risk reduction in an area surrounded by the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on three sides. Current vegetation conditions are not well suited to thrive, given future insect and disease outbreaks, wildfires, and changing climate conditions.

Draft Environmental Assessment documents for the Superior National Forest’s Fernberg Project are available for public review and comment for 30 days, through Feb. 14, at the project page link.

“The Fernberg Project is focused on creating resilient forests while protecting lives, private property, and firefighter safety,” said Aaron Kania, Kawishiwi District ranger for the Superior National Forest. “The project was developed in collaboration with the residents of Ely, our partners, and the tribal bands, but it’s important that everyone be allowed to provide their voice and submit a comment.”


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Proposed actions along the BWCAW boundary would be focused on, planned, and implemented to achieve the objectives and desired conditions, such as protecting lives and private property, firefighter safety, allowing lightning fires in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness to play their natural role when appropriate, promoting forest conditions that are resilient to future wildfires, and creating a mosaic of fuel treatments that decrease future wildfire risk.

The project would include prescribed burning and related activities inside the BWCAW. Proposed actions would also retain the high recreation value and wildlife habitat, both inside and outside of the BWCAW.

The Fernberg Project road corridor stretches 15 miles east of Ely. The project includes mixed land ownership encompassing approximately 174,873 acres, including approximately 84,000 acres inside the BWCAW.

Inside the BWCAW, the initial proposed actions would include prescribed burning and related activities on approximately 26,000 acres with the remaining 58,000 acres being contingency areas for the prescribed burn units.

The draft EA and supporting documents will be available along with the public outreach and scoping documents on the project website. The Fernberg Corridor interactive map can be found here.

The Kawishiwi Ranger District will host the following for the Fernberg Project:

• A virtual open house, Feb. 4, from 4-6 p.m. CT, via Microsoft Teams. Virtual Open House links are available on the project page link above.

• An in-person open house, Feb. 5, from 4-6 p.m., during which the public will be able to review the Fernberg Corridor Project Draft Environmental Assessment documents and maps with staff.

The Kawishiwi District Office is located at 1393 Highway 169, Ely, MN 55731. Call for more information at (218) 356-7600.

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