Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Three men plead guilty for hunting violations in Ohio

Three people recently pleaded guilty to violations related to deer and turkey hunting in Ohio. (Stock photo)

Columbus — Christopher M. Waters, 44, of Loris, South Carolina, recently pleaded guilty in Mount Vernon Municipal Court to a total of 12 hunting violations for deer and turkey in Knox County, according to the Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.

A Division of Wildlife investigation revealed that Waters committed wildlife violations from December 2022 to November 2023 while visiting Ohio. Waters pleaded guilty to the 12 counts in November 2024. He was ordered to pay $4,110.67 in restitution and $300 in fines, forfeited hunting implements, and had his hunting license revoked for three years.

The 12 counts included: Hunting without a license, hunting without a deer permit, possession of white-tailed deer without a valid game check confirmation number, possession of turkey taken in violation of law, spotlighting, hunting deer after hours, hunting deer with the aid of a motor vehicle, failure to game check deer (two counts), leaving deer in possession of another without a valid game check confirmation number (two counts), hunting deer with a rifle other than a straight-walled cartridge rifle.


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Two other defendants in the case also pleaded guilty to multiple violations.

Cody Muncie, 35, of Howard, Ohio, pleaded guilty to five counts: failure to game check a deer, possession of deer without a valid confirmation number, providing false information when game checking a deer, spotlighting, and hunting deer after hours. He was ordered to pay $5,741.25 in restitution and $200 in fines, forfeited all evidence, and had his hunting license revoked for two years.

Douglas Hartman, 40, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, pleaded guilty to two counts of failure to game check a deer, one count of hunting deer without a permit, and one count of hunting turkey without a permit. He was ordered to pay $1,000 in restitution and $200 in fines, forfeited all evidence, and had his hunting license revoked for two years.

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