Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Bloom researchers, farmers paying more attention to harmful algae problem on Lake Erie

Dr. Rick Stumpf, of NOAA, looks at a water sample from Lake Erie in this file photo. Western Lake Erie is an ideal environment for the bacteria that feeds harmful algae blooms to thrive. (File photo)

On a warm late-summer evening, a small speedboat motored across a pea-green stretch of Lake Erie past a beach where a child sat splashing and a pair of newlyweds waded for a portrait photographer. On the sand, unseen or ignored, bright red signs warned people to stay out of the water due to dangerous algae toxins.
Some 70 miles away, farmer Bill Kellogg is trying to do something about the chronic algae blooms in America’s southernmost Great Lake. Instead of scattering fertilizer atop his fields, Kellogg now uses a strip till machine that knifes fertilizer pellets 8 inches into the soil – deep enough that heavy rains won’t wash it away.

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