Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

September 10, 2024

Michigan DNR encourages residents to report elk poaching incidents

Michigan’s first 2024 elk hunt is underway for those who were selected in this summer’s elk license drawing.
While the Michigan Department of Natural Resources wishes all hunters a safe, successful hunt, DNR law and wildlife officials encourage everyone to be alert to illegal hunting activity. Once considered extinct in the state by the late 1800s, elk now are a protected and highly managed species in Michigan.

Michigan DNR encourages residents to report elk poaching incidents Read More »

Habitat diversity attracts birds and birders to Iowa River Bird Conservation Area

Driving slowly along the two-track, generously labeled “340th Street” by Google Maps, Anna Buckardt Thomas has her windows down and is identifying each bird by its call. “House wren, red-winged blackbird, killdeer, goldfinch, catbird, flicker, cardinal, Eurasian tree sparrow, common yellowthroat,” the state avian ecologist said.
This stretch of the Otter Creek Wildlife Area, in Tama County, Iowa, is an eBird hotspot; a popular birding website and app that logs bird sightings for users and adds each individual’s bird records to the global data set.

Habitat diversity attracts birds and birders to Iowa River Bird Conservation Area Read More »

Michigan DNR catches giant lake sturgeon in Lake St. Clair

For more then 150 million years, the species colloquially referred to as “living dinosaurs” have roamed Michigan waters. Today, a healthy population of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) swims in the St. Clair/Detroit River system, living much as they did when dinosaurs walked the Earth.
Every year, Michigan Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologists and technicians conduct a survey in Lake St. Clair to estimate the number of lake sturgeon found in what some locals call the sixth Great Lake. This year they caught a monster.

Michigan DNR catches giant lake sturgeon in Lake St. Clair Read More »

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