Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

November 23, 2023

Minnesota DNR hosts meeting to discuss feral pigs, mink report

The Minnesota DNR hosted a public virtual meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14, to address feral pigs and farmed mink and the effects the two animals pose for the environment and human health in Minnesota.
Last week’s meeting came about as a result of the 2023 Minnesota legislative session when legislators passed language requiring the four agencies to submit a report on the two species by Feb. 15, 2024.

Minnesota DNR hosts meeting to discuss feral pigs, mink report Read More »

Should hunters be required to shoot a doe to get a second buck tag in Michigan?

If you read Michigan Outdoor News regularly, you no doubt noticed the piece by Department of Natural Resources’ Deer Specialist Chad Stewart about the state’s seemingly out-of-control deer population. It could be summed up simply via this plea: Come on guys, start killing some does.
“I’ve talked to counterparts in other states who have used the word ‘crisis,’ ” Stewart said. “We’re facing an uphill climb on this and we have to start having some difficult conversations.”

Should hunters be required to shoot a doe to get a second buck tag in Michigan? Read More »

Minnesota DNR hosts last public meeting on Upper Sioux Park transfer

The Minnesota DNR had its final public workshop meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 8, considering suggestions, comments, and questions regarding the Upper Sioux Agency State Park (USASP) transfer. 
Laura Preus, DNR statewide programs and planning manager, said about 40 to 50 people attended the Nov. 8 meeting, which ended with a range of ideas, activities, and locations for possible replacement properties.

Minnesota DNR hosts last public meeting on Upper Sioux Park transfer Read More »

Dan Surra saw value in a Pennsylvania elk herd, played role in creation of PA Wilds

When Dan Surra looks back on his career in state government, he’s proudest of having helped to cultivate Pennsylvania’s iconic elk tourism industry.
“Elk were all anybody wanted to talk to me about when I got elected,” recalled Surra, of Kersey, Elk County, who left high school teaching in 1991 to serve in the House of Representatives as a Democrat representing the 75th District. The state’s elk herd was beginning to rebound, and Surra was among those who recognized its eco-tourism potential.

Dan Surra saw value in a Pennsylvania elk herd, played role in creation of PA Wilds Read More »

Hardwater Ohio: Here are some ice-fishing options this winter

Ice fishing aficionados never know anymore if there will be safe, fishable ice during any given winter in Ohio. But enthusiastic ice anglers converge whenever and wherever conditions permit.
On the big stage during recent winters, anglers were not able to ice fish on Lake Erie in 2020 or 2023, with short seasons in 2019, 2021, and 2022.

Hardwater Ohio: Here are some ice-fishing options this winter Read More »

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