Now’s a good time to spend extra hours with nature
With the coronavirus placing people at home beyond their usual timeframe, spending additional hours within nature’s settings becomes an excellent benefit.
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With the coronavirus placing people at home beyond their usual timeframe, spending additional hours within nature’s settings becomes an excellent benefit.
Shutdown in response to virus pandemic.
Conservation Congress and Wisconsin DNR decided to cancel in-person portion of spring hearing meetings scheduled April 13 due to coronavirus pandemic, but sportsmen may submit local rule resolutions through April 6.
During this challenging time, find comfort in the great outdoors and enjoy the upcoming peak of the spring migration.
Participating in outdoor activities almost guarantees ‘social distancing’
The Fish & Boat Commission also announced a number of changes to its trout stocking plans. For starters, public volunteers are no longer permitted to assist with trout stocking, a longtime tradition for many families
State parks, recreation areas and public lands remain open.
On Sunday, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office instructed DNR to close state parks and other sites.
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