Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

February 4, 2024

For gray wolves, new planning is in the works

Federal wildlife officials on Friday rejected requests from conservation groups to restore protections for gray wolves across the northern U.S Rocky Mountains, saying the predators are in no danger of extinction as some states seek to reduce their numbers through hunting.
The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service also said it would work on a first-ever national recovery plan for wolves, after previously pursuing a piecemeal recovery in different regions of the country.

For gray wolves, new planning is in the works Read More »

Nancy Gibson departs Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources after 17-year run

Nancy Gibson remembers the first time she felt a love for wildlife. A baby squirrel got stuck in the gutter of her home and she rescued it. She bottle-fed the squirrel, and it survived after being released into the wild.
Gibson was young when that happened, but she grew into a wildlife enthusiast who focused on wolves, science, and a passion for the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. Members of the LCCMR make funding recommendations to the legislature for special environment and natural resource projects.

Nancy Gibson departs Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources after 17-year run Read More »

Don’t overlook goldenrod larvae as a go-to natural bait for panfish

Like many ice fishermen, I started preparation for the hard-water season several weeks ago. I checked out the portable fish house, but no mice had been at work. My auger started when called upon, and the other accessories, including rods and reels, were in wording order.
While tying on some panfish jigs, I began to think about bait. I’ve successfully tried plastics, which work great in some situations. However, I still lean toward live bait. I hadn’t heard lately about goldenrod larvae being used. Growing up, that was our go-to winter bait.

Don’t overlook goldenrod larvae as a go-to natural bait for panfish Read More »

ASMFC approves striped bass mortality addendum

The Atlantic States Marine Commission’s Striped Bass Management Board has approved Addendum II to Amendment 7 of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Atlantic striped bass.
The addendum modifies recreational and commercial measures to reduce fishing mortality in 2024, establishes an expedited response process to upcoming stock assessments, and addresses requirements for recreational filleting.

ASMFC approves striped bass mortality addendum Read More »

When winter conditions are right, you can catch big trout

Winter is the least popular time for fly-fishing.
However, a small number of fly-fishing diehards sneak out to their favorite waters during the winter.
Some are big-trout anglers who use streamers to latch onto trout. A few dry-fly purists seek hatches of midges. Most however, me included, favor nymphs for our winter adventures. Winter fly-fishing is not a masochistic exercise in futility. Trout can be caught, sometimes in good sizes and numbers.

When winter conditions are right, you can catch big trout Read More »

Wisconsin conservation group donates $100,000 toward skid steer that will help build prairie chicken habitat

The second oldest conservation group in Wisconsin, the Dane County Conservation League (DCCL), donated $100,000 to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to pay for half of a Cat 299D3 skid steer.
The donation was accepted by the Natural Resources Board (NRB) at its Jan. 24 meeting in Madison. The machine, outfitted with a Fecon brush head, will be used to improve habitat for grassland birds in central Wisconsin.

Wisconsin conservation group donates $100,000 toward skid steer that will help build prairie chicken habitat Read More »

Decoy carvers, collectors to gather in mid-March in Ohio

The Ohio Decoy Collectors and Carvers Association (ODCCA) and the Great Lakes Decoy Association have joined together to hold their two shows March 16-17, Saturday and Sunday, at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, 6001 Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio, just 12 miles from downtown Cleveland.
Two shows on the same weekend at the same location make this the largest in-person collecting and carving event in the Midwest, according to the two groups.

Decoy carvers, collectors to gather in mid-March in Ohio Read More »

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