Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

October 31, 2023

Winter walleye regulations set on Minnesota’s Upper Red, Mille Lacs lakes

Winter walleye-fishing regulations have been set for Minnesota’s most popular early-ice destination, and anglers this year will be allowed to keep four walleyes less than 17 inches (with one over 17 allowed) on Upper Red Lake. The “winter” season officially begins Nov. 1. The new regulation is a decrease from a five-fish, open-water limit this year, but a one-walleye increase from last winter’s three-fish limit on Upper Red.
Beginning Friday, Dec. 1, Lake Mille Lacs anglers can keep one walleye 21 to 23 inches long or one longer than 28 inches.

Winter walleye regulations set on Minnesota’s Upper Red, Mille Lacs lakes Read More »

Bass, crappie, bluegills biting on Iowa’s Lake Hendricks in Howard County

Lake Hendricks in Iowa’s Howard County is a 47-acre body of water that offers anglers an opportunity to target many species into the late fall.
“Fish activity is increasing as water temperatures cool,” the Iowa DNR fishing report from Oct. 26 said of Lake Hendricks. “Find fish near shore in the morning, moving to deeper water in the evening.” 

Bass, crappie, bluegills biting on Iowa’s Lake Hendricks in Howard County Read More »

Minnesota’s Pro Fishing Tip of the Week: Fine fishing in the fall for all fish species

Fall can offer some of the finest fishing of the entire open-water season for numbers and size alike. Fish move into shallower water during fall to feast.
A vast majority of walleyes will be found near rock reefs and nearby weedbeds, feeding on smaller fish.

Minnesota’s Pro Fishing Tip of the Week: Fine fishing in the fall for all fish species Read More »

Public can help protect Ohio’s Big, Little Darbies; comment period open until Nov. 17 on protection amendment

If you care about clean water and scenic, biologically rich streams, now is your chance to get on board a drive to encourage the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to declare the Big Darby and Little Darby watershed in west central Ohio as “Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRW).”
The agency has declared a public comment period until Nov. 17 in its consideration of ONRW designation – the highest protection under the federal Clean Water Act – for these gorgeous, biologically diverse, fish- and wildlife-rich streams in west-central Ohio.

Public can help protect Ohio’s Big, Little Darbies; comment period open until Nov. 17 on protection amendment Read More »

Why keeping a field journal is essential for hunting and foraging

Time and time again I find myself turning not only to my field journals, but also to those that I inherited from others. Looking at the really old ones is bitter sweet, knowing  many of  the locations have been lost to mining, growth, development etc. They also show me subtle shifts in weather patterns, migratory patterns. They are valuable part of my outdoor life and I feel that everyone should keep one.
Whether you’re a seasoned hunter, a passionate forager, or an aspiring outdoor enthusiast, here’s why keeping a field journal should be an essential part of your wilderness journey.

Why keeping a field journal is essential for hunting and foraging Read More »

Michigan DNR reports Ogemaw County’s first CWD-positive wild deer, hunters encouraged to get deer tested

A 4-year-old doe that was reported to be in poor condition – skinny, drooling and showing no fear of people – in Michigan’s Klacking Township, Ogemaw County, recently tested positive for chronic wasting disease.
It is the first CWD-positive wild deer from that county, a finding confirmed by the University of Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Madison, which works with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to identify CWD in Michigan’s wild herd.

Michigan DNR reports Ogemaw County’s first CWD-positive wild deer, hunters encouraged to get deer tested Read More »

Iowa DNR looking for gray fox as part of a research project and is asking for help from trappers

The Iowa DNR is asking trappers for help with a study on Iowa’s gray fox population.
“We’re asking trappers who happen to catch a gray fox alive to contact me or wildlife technician Dave Hoffman directly so we can make arrangements to equip the animal with a neck collar and release it for tracking purposes as part of a research project. If they can’t reach us, another option is to contact their local wildlife biologist or conservation officer,” said Vince Evelsizer, furbearer biologist with the Iowa DNR.

Iowa DNR looking for gray fox as part of a research project and is asking for help from trappers Read More »

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