DNR calls public meetings on CWD
Illinois counties with chronic wasting disease now stands at 17.
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Illinois counties with chronic wasting disease now stands at 17.
Illinois Natural History Survey used results of random surveys of waterfowl hunters who purchased a state waterfowl permits in the 2002-03 and 2015-16 waterfowl seasons.
The state record of 16,605 is still in reach, but it will take a massive effort in the northern counties to hit the record, which was set in 2006.
What was thought to be a black crappie was a hybrid white and black crappie.
It’s March Madness when it comes to catching record fish in Illinois.
Luke Garver began the job late last year, filling a role that had been vacant since Paul Brewer retired at the end of 2013.
As mallard harvest goes, so goes the state duck harvest as a whole — downward.
If all goes well, biologists and technicians will release between 11 million and 12 million fish into the state’s lakes and rivers this year – a significant decline from the 20.9 million stocked in 2016
Deer hunting is certainly not dead, but hunters are looking for change — it’s a steady decline in the overall herd that seems to be irking – and frustrating – the hunting community
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