Vendors scramble as fresh perch supply shrinks
Because Great Lakes perch is so hard to come by, some businesses are turning to European perch, or Zander, he said, which comes from Poland and other areas in Europe with bodies of fresh water.
Because Great Lakes perch is so hard to come by, some businesses are turning to European perch, or Zander, he said, which comes from Poland and other areas in Europe with bodies of fresh water.
Radiocarbon dating verified that the female bigmouth buffalo fish taken from Crystal Lake near Pelican Rapids in Otter Tail County last summer was 112.
Boy says fish bite him while he was water-skiing in Fox Lake.
Game and Fish Department fisheries personnel recently finished stocking more than 140 lakes across the state with walleye fingerlings, completing one of the largest stocking efforts in the history of the agency.
Some of the invasive fish reportedly from 20 to 30 pounds.
Fish caught, tagged, and released is likely one of 320 juvenile sturgeon stocked in 1999 as part of DEC’s Lake Sturgeon Recovery Program.
The invasive was verified in the James River near LaMoure.
Muskie measuring 61-1/2 inches boated and released by Mille Lacs Band DNR biologists.
But a follow-up search turned up none of the invasive fish.
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