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Green Beret brings his dog-handling skills to Game Fair in Minnesota
Ian Donovan is driven by patriotism to serve and defend the United States, and that’s what motivated him to leave his job as a roughneck on Gulf of Mexico oil rigs and become a Green

Trapping’s destiny: a bit of North America auction history
In the July 26 edition of Illinois Outdoor News, trapping writer Kent Weil broke down the various fur auctions around the world to give trappers and hunters a glimpse at how and where their pelts

Outdoor Insights: Reflecting on deer hunting opportunities in Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge
Elsewhere in this edition of Outdoor News, you’ll see details on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pilot program that will pay hunters who choose not to use lead ammo on seven national wildlife refuges.

Mentored turkey hunts provide opportunity, gateway to hunting
While the author’s son, Ronny, had hunted turkeys in the past, he hadn’t yet scored – until this spring, when he hunted by way of a mentoring program sponsored by the Sand Dunes Chapter of

Sportsmen’s Alliance sues CDC on dog-import rule
On Wednesday, Aug. 7, the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and

Minnesota DNR invites conversations about all wildlife
Wildlife managers with the Minnesota DNR are inviting the public to talk about wildlife in local Minnesota DNR offices across the state from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 15.

Minnesota early teal hunters to see restrictions on Leech Lake, White Earth reservations
As the Aug. 15 wild rice season opening date approaches, the Minnesota DNR reminds harvesters that rice stands must be ripe before they can be legally harvested.
The DNR also reminds hunters that because

Minnesota Mixed Bag: 43rd annual Game Fair begins Friday
The 43rd edition of Game Fair begins Friday at Armstrong Ranch Kennels in Ramsey, bringing with it a host of familiar faces and events, as well as new attractions and seminars.

Feds pitch plan to pay hunters for lead-free hunting
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in late July announced it is unfurling a pilot program at seven national wildlife refuges to test voluntary rebates to increase the use of lead-free ammunition by hunters on