Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Potential State-Record Muzzleloader Black Bear

ONE FOR THE BOOKS? Jesse Koskiniemi, of Nimrod, shot this 685-pound (615 pounds field-dressed) black bear while using a muzzleloader in Wadena County on Oct. 3. The bear had a green score of 219⁄16. Currently,

DNR invites deer hunters to share wildlife observations

Participation helps broaden understanding of deer and other Minnesota animals With archery deer season underway and scouting for the upcoming firearms deer season starting in earnest, now is an ideal time for hunters to start

Canada drops its vaccine mandate

By Rob GilliesAssociated Press Toronto (AP) — The Canadian government announced Sept. 26 that it will no longer require people to wear masks on planes to guard against COVID-19. Government officials also confirmed Canada is

Forestry partnerships focus on land surrounding Camp Ripley

LITTLE FALLS — With an infusion of funds and a focus on forestry, the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service is making it easier and less costly for private landowners to manage their property within the

Massive fish kill hammers crappies

Windom, Minn. — A fish kill in a small, southern Minnesota lake has claimed, strangely, nearly exclusively black crappies – and “thousands” of them, according to DNR officials. The kill was first noted by DNR

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