Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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DNR says flap won’t halt super-late hunt

St. Paul – Despite opposition to a special late-season deer hunt in the northwest, DNR officials late last week said they had no plans to cancel it. An attorney for some of those opposed to

American Indian use of bird feathers reviewed

Minneapolis – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is in the process of reviewing comments received on a proposal to develop a system of distributing protected migratory bird feathers and other parts to American Indian

DNR to add more COs

Camp Ripley, Minn. – Earlier this year, the DNR had a nearly full complement of conservation officers. Retirements thinned the ranks, but officials say a plan to hire as many as 18 officers next year

Ice status: firm in the south, slushy up north

Willmar, Minn. – Although it’s been a slow process, ice conditions are improving in Minnesota. Strangely enough, some of the best ice conditions are taking hold in the southern half of the state. With less

CRP, other programs in Senate Farm Bill

Washington – Passage of an updated federal Farm Bill took a step forward last week when the Senate passed a bill that would support U.S. agriculture, provide funding for nutritional programs, and continue a number

‘Sentinel’ lakes to be focus of study

St. Paul – State officials are hoping a few select lakes across Minnesota will serve them well as proverbial “canaries in coal mines” in coming years. Twenty-four of the state’s lakes – spread geographically across

Ice reports frustratingly mixed around the state

Garrison, Minn. – Throughout the state, anglers are finding plenty of spots to fish through the ice. That’s the good news. The bad news is that many of them are dealing with deep snow, slush,

Border-crossers face new requirement

Washington – The real test to see if travelers are paying attention likely will come later this summer, when American anglers traveling to Canada to fish will have to present a passport upon their return.

DNR-led team to look at deer-hunting regs

St. Paul – From time to time, Lou Cornicelli hears from hunters about the complexities of the state’s deer-hunting regulations. Granted, the regs have evolved over the years as the deer herd has changed, according

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