Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Joel Nelson

Here’s a modified approach to scouting fall turkeys

Sometime in the early 1990s, I attended a spring turkey hunter education clinic where I learned a number of cornerstones to success in the turkey woods. It shouldn’t be a surprise that scouting was chief among them.
We learned about gobbler droppings, wing-tip drag marks, and finding everything from feathers to scratching in the leaves. We were asked to go on a walk in the woods right before the hunting season itself, which generally involved finding (and spooking) the very birds we were trying to get the slip on. It wasn’t for many years that I learned how to apply an updated approach to scouting that informed without driving away turkeys I intended to hunt.

Here’s a modified approach to scouting fall turkeys Read More »

The panfish of late summer and how to catch ’em

In the world of a crappie or bluegill, late summer can represent the best of times. Food availability is at its peak, and while the metabolism of panfish predators is also at a seasonal high, there’s ample vegetation in which the smaller fish may hide and find grub at the same time. Happy days.
Such conditions can make for challenging angling, with fish being in this “everywhere but nowhere” type of scenario that plagues late-summer panfish anglers. What to do?

The panfish of late summer and how to catch ’em Read More »

For early-season fishing plans, consider ice-out timing

It’s extremely rare for there to be ice on any of the state’s lakes during a May opener, even in the extreme northern portions of Minnesota. Yet, there are still additional considerations when ice-out is just days before we float the lakes it once covered.
We’ve all adjusted to what fishing cold water can mean: Shiners will be sold (where available), and jigs will be pitched. But other plans can work wonders.

For early-season fishing plans, consider ice-out timing Read More »

Caught fish, must travel: some tips for transport

It’s no secret that I love fishing wherever I can, and I feel strongly that fishing outside your comfort zone will make you a better angler, no matter the species you seek. But there’s a wrinkle in the fabric of enjoying that catch, especially if you travel far and wide.

Caught fish, must travel: some tips for transport Read More »

Enjoy your wheelhouse, but don’t be afraid to abandon it

There’s much to be said for the comfort, convenience, and sheer enjoyment of fishing inside a wheelhouse. You’ve invested a considerable sum of money, and likely the time it takes to trick it out. Surely, it would be madness to embrace the idea of fishing outside the very shelter you worked to make comfortable inside.
Well, that’s what I’m suggesting you should do. From time to time, anyway.

Enjoy your wheelhouse, but don’t be afraid to abandon it Read More »

Choosing between rattle and flash spoons: Which one, and when?

Often, certain fish species can be attracted to a lure or presentation based simply on their biology and what they like to eat.

Choosing between rattle and flash spoons: Which one, and when? Read More »

Ice-fishing shelters: Should I hub-style or flip?

Portable ice-fishing shelters have revolutionized the way we fish. From early models that served a singular purpose – often for only one angler – to larger models now that can be used for a host of extra purposes such as ice camping or hunting, there are a number of reasons to own one.  

Ice-fishing shelters: Should I hub-style or flip? Read More »

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