Decatur, Ill. — The Illinois Trappers Association will hold its annual fur sale Feb. 15 at Krile Auction House, 101 Walnut St. in Strasburg. Doors will open at 7 a.m. and the sale will begin about 9 a.m.
As an additional motivation for trappers to bring their fur to the ITA auction, all sellers will receive an entry into a raffle for six NO-BS Canine Extreme Junior coil-spring traps (over a $130 value).
Some fur auction regulations:
• All animals must be skinned.
All otter and bobcat must have a CITES tag attached to the pelt.
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• All fur will be sold in trapper-graded lots. Trappers grade and bundle their own fur to sell how they feel will best serve them. The ITA has provided a simple guideline to help trappers with grading and grouping of their furs.
• Sellers must accompany and handle her/his fur through the entire process.
• If a seller represents another individual, they must have written verification in order to receive a check in behalf of that individual
• All furs must be registered on a hunting or trapping license.
• Seller commission will be 4% for members, 10% for nonmembers. Memberships will be available for purchase.
For more information, contact ITA President Ryan Rule, 309-368-2523, or