Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Illinois Trappers Association prepares for annual fur sale

All sellers will receive an entry into a raffle for six NO-BS Canine Extreme Junior coil-spring traps (over a $130 value). (Stock photo)

Decatur, Ill. — The Illinois Trappers Association will hold its annual fur sale Feb. 15 at Krile Auction House, 101 Walnut St. in Strasburg. Doors will open at 7 a.m. and the sale will begin about 9 a.m.

As an additional motivation for trappers to bring their fur to the ITA auction, all sellers will receive an entry into a raffle for six NO-BS Canine Extreme Junior coil-spring traps (over a $130 value).

Some fur auction regulations:

• All animals must be skinned.

All otter and bobcat must have a CITES tag attached to the pelt.


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• All fur will be sold in trapper-graded lots. Trappers grade and bundle their own fur to sell how they feel will best serve them. The ITA has provided a simple guideline to help trappers with grading and grouping of their furs.

• Sellers must accompany and handle her/his fur through the entire process.

• If a seller represents another individual, they must have written verification in order to receive a check in behalf of that individual

• All furs must be registered on a hunting or trapping license.

• Seller commission will be 4% for members, 10% for nonmembers. Memberships will be available for purchase.

For more information, contact ITA President Ryan Rule, 309-368-2523, or

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