Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

July 1, 2024

Pennsylvania Reader Stories: A strange, vicious beaver attack in Licking Creek

My sons Michael and Christopher, both police officers, were recently fly-fishing in Licking Creek, Fulton County, Pa., when a beaver came swimming down the stream about 20 feet from them.
Michael said, “Hey buddy,” and the beaver smacked its tail and went under the murky water. Shortly after, the beaver came up behind Michael and bit him in the upper rear leg and actually pulled him into the water up to his neck.

Pennsylvania Reader Stories: A strange, vicious beaver attack in Licking Creek Read More »

Pennsylvania deer farms face a shortage of veterinarians

When it comes to the health of their herds, many Pennsylvania deer farmers have to take matters into their own hands. And it’s not by choice.
A shortage of veterinarians that are either trained, or willing, to take on deer farms as clients is scarce in some parts of the state. The shortage of veterinarians has forced many of Pennsylvania’s 650 deer farms – which supply trophy bucks to hunting preserves and are a source for urine-based deer lure – to focus on prevention in the hopes of limiting their need for a veterinarian that can be difficult to find.

Pennsylvania deer farms face a shortage of veterinarians Read More »

Cisco making a comeback in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay? Stocking efforts show positive signs

Efforts to rehabilitate cisco populations in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay are beginning to show positive signs, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is leading the mission.
Ciscos, members of the whitefish family, have the potential to provide a recreational fishery as well as serve as forage for walleyes, and it’s thought they will help take the pressure off the bay’s depleted yellow perch population.

Cisco making a comeback in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay? Stocking efforts show positive signs Read More »

Know the signs of heat-related illness with your dog

If you’ve had a hunting dog for more than five minutes, you know that they don’t stop. Running, jumping, swimming, fetching … it’s all done at top speed without pause. You are the only thing standing between your canine and catastrophe.
Knowing the signs of heat-related illness, how to prevent it, and how to stop it are imperative for everyone’s well-being.

Know the signs of heat-related illness with your dog Read More »

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