Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

April 19, 2024

Public meeting set for April 30 to discuss Mississippi River Pool 13, a vital resource for hunters and anglers in Illinois, Iowa

Pool 13 of the Mississippi River is one of the premier fisheries in Illinois. Bass and walleye are particularly popular in this pool.
It is the home of an Illinois High School Association bass fishing sectional that is at a minimum “Top 3” in the state each year for quality of bass brought to the scales. However, the lower end of the pool has aged significantly during the past 25 years.
At 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, multiple government agencies will be having a public meeting to discuss a Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project (HREP) to address these issues.

Public meeting set for April 30 to discuss Mississippi River Pool 13, a vital resource for hunters and anglers in Illinois, Iowa Read More »

Recapping a Wisconsin warden’s first gun-deer season opening day

Wisconsin’s nine-day gun-deer season opener is different from any other day afield for a DNR game warden, including small game hunting, May fishing openers, and waterfowl seasons.
DNR field wardens are assigned a permanent station that covers a county, or a portion of a county or counties. Some wardens are assigned to the Great Lakes. Even this division of responsibilities differs greatly across the 72 counties, state parks, and large waters of Wisconsin.

Recapping a Wisconsin warden’s first gun-deer season opening day Read More »

Steve Sarley: Angling trends in Illinois, and why I believe fishing license sales slump

Who is and isn’t fishing in Illinois? What are the ages and gender of current anglers? Where do anglers live throughout the state? Why are fewer people buying fishing licenses over time?
According to a recent article in the Outdoor Illinois Wildlife Journal, DNR has found that the average license holder is getting older, and the average age of people going fishing has increased. Another finding is that men have purchased about 80% of licenses since 2006.

Steve Sarley: Angling trends in Illinois, and why I believe fishing license sales slump Read More »

Here’s what to do if you wound a turkey this season

Turkeys are tough. While a well-placed shot with a bow or a shotgun can easily bring down the baddest longbeard on the block, that’s not always a guarantee.
Bad shots happen sometimes. What you do after it happens is what matters most.

Here’s what to do if you wound a turkey this season Read More »

Commentary: Time to eliminate southern Minnesota’s deer-hunting ‘shotgun zone’

Did you know that in southern Minnesota, you cannot hunt deer with a rifle?
I can assure you that hunters in our area are well aware of this antiquated rule. As bizarre as it sounds, firearms hunters here must use shotguns with slugs, muzzleloaders, or legal handguns. Even though rifles are more accurate and safer, they are not allowed.
It is long past time to eliminate this outdated rule.

Commentary: Time to eliminate southern Minnesota’s deer-hunting ‘shotgun zone’ Read More »

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