Idaho hunting, fishing license fee hike shot down
Would have been first increase in 13 years; agency searching for possible alternatives.
Would have been first increase in 13 years; agency searching for possible alternatives.
Wayne Herndon has seen changes in technology and management strategies during his 45-year career.
Will restrict anglers to 20 fish per day and a 9-inch minimum length
ASHLAND AREA Anglers are driving trucks from the city landing and the landing behind Anglers All, but do not assume the ice is safe – check it yourself! At Second Landing, anglers are still using
Ice update DEC officials are reminding ice anglers to use caution and common sense during the ice fishing season. Four inches or more of solid ice is considered to be safe for anglers accessing ice
Great Eight LAKE MILLE LACS East – Staying mobile and fishing with larger spoons have been the best options for catching walleyes in 25 feet or deeper. Jumbo perch and good numbers of tullibees are
Committee debates to keep or remove Monterrey Dam
Comes after last year’s harvests in Kodiak, Prince William Sound, Chignik and lower Cook Inlet came in far below forecast
Program that begins Sept. 1 pays private landowners to allow public access to their properties for recreational use — hunting in particular
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