Monday, January 20th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, January 20th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Fish Species

Latest on Leech Lake: More stocking likely?

Walker, Minn. – Since 2005, more than 37 million walleye fry have been stocked into Leech Lake in an effort to revitalize the fishery, and another 20 million will be added this spring. DNR officials

Farm Bill in limbo as March 15 deadline approaches

Washington – The latest deadline to pass a federal Farm Bill – March 15 – is fast approaching, and the House has yet to select its conference committee members. That, and the fact that negotiations

Lake Mille Lacs rule: ‘four fish under 18′

St. Paul – The DNR announced Tuesday that anglers who fish Lake Mille Lacs this summer will be allowed to keep four fish up to 18 inches (one “trophy” over 28 inches is allowed in

Dedicated funding focus turns to citizens council

St. Paul – The report from the Conservation Legacy Council, created by Gov. Tim Pawlenty to make recommendations on the future of conservation in the state, is the basis of legislation that’s expected to be

Stability sought in Mille Lacs regs

Aitkin, Minn. – Fishing guides, business owners, and the rest of those collectively known as the Mille Lacs Lake Fisheries Input Group were presented last week with a couple of options for this year’s fishing

Winterkill lurks, as lake ‘liberalization’ wraps up

Hutchinson, Minn. – Most of the 30 lakes in Minnesota opened to “liberalized” fishing regulations this winter have now closed, but that doesn’t mean a few more won’t join the list late this winter, according

Bonding talk heats up, G&F bills added

St. Paul – First, the Legislature approved a dedicated funding bill. Less than two weeks later, it approved a transportation bill, then, for the first time, over-rode one of Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s veto. The transportation

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