Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Take your digital mapping to the next level

How humans read and view modern maps is one of the biggest advancements when it comes to changes in the world of hunting.

For most, long gone are the days of looking over a physical

Sport shows on tap across Minnesota, and beyond

It’s that time of year, when a new season of sports shows around the region offers various opportunities for hunters, anglers, and outdoors-types to check out and purchase what they’ll need for the spring and

Process your own venison and reap the rewards

The 8-point buck – a handsome specimen of a white-tailed deer – tapped out about 50 yards to my front in a cut alfalfa field.
With about 15 minutes of shooting time left on

Star Watch: Jupiter, the gas giant!

You may recall last October NASA launched a rocket carrying the spacecraft “Europa Clipper” named after Europa, one of Jupiter’s four largest moons. This mission began a six-year journey in space to Jupiter referred to

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