Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


taste of the wild

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A quick chat with wildgame chef Andrew Zimmern

Andrew Zimmern has been preparing and cooking outdoors fare for about as long as he can remember – so just about as long as he’s been an outdoorsman.
Yes, for Zimmern, the two have

Taste of the Wild: The best blackened walleye chilaquiles

In this recipe contributed by Ryan Pinkalla, you’ll be building fresh ingredients together with your walleye fillets in a flavor-packed meal. Ryan suggested that while you could use commercially prepared chips and salsa Verde to

How to smoke wild game for mouthwatering meat

When people think about smoked meats, most folks think about beef and pork and maybe some chicken or turkey. We think about briskets, ribs, pork butts, long, slow cook times and low heat. We also

Try this recipe for a delicious corned venison roast

I love to use wild game to celebrate a holiday meal. Whether it is a turkey for Thanksgiving or a goose on Christmas, I always believe that having something I harvested on the table makes

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