Monday, February 17th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Beckie Gaskill

Cost of wolf-killed livestock, pets up this year in Wisconsin

Wolf conflicts with livestock and pets are running ahead of 2023 at this point of the year. Part of that could be increasing wolf populations, or wolves moving closer to inhabited areas as pack areas fill up in wilder parts of Wisconsin.

Part of this change also could be that wolves are simply hungrier this year than last after an open winter that might have made it more difficult for wolves to kill deer. Deep snowpack favors wolves over deer. With the past mild winter, deer were not as easy of a target as they were in the winter of 2022-23, one of the more severe winters in the northern tier of counties in recent memory.

Cost of wolf-killed livestock, pets up this year in Wisconsin Read More »

Wisconsin duck hunter kills Oneida County wolf in self defense

Chase Melton, a 19-year-old duck hunter from Sugar Camp, Wis., shot and killed a gray wolf on Saturday, Sept. 21, in Oneida County when one of several wolves that surrounded him and two younger cousins lunged at their duck blind.
For this article, Wisconsin Outdoor News was able to interview an older hunter who was set up near Melton and his cousins. Jim Lund, of St. Germain, witnessed the entire episode that unfolded while hunting a tributary of the Rainbow Flowage in Oneida County between the towns of Sugar Camp and St. Germain.

Wisconsin duck hunter kills Oneida County wolf in self defense Read More »

New DNR deer unit proposal on the table in Wisconsin

Deer hunters who have begged the Wisconsin DNR – and then legislators – to ditch the county deer unit system and return to the former “numbered” and habitat-based units of pre-2013 may finally see some movement in that direction following a meeting of the DNR’s deer advisory committee.

New DNR deer unit proposal on the table in Wisconsin Read More »

Wisconsin DNR’s ‘no guns for fishing’ rule challenged in court

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) has challenged a DNR administrative rule that states no person may, “Possess or control any firearm, gun or similar device at any time while on the waters, banks or shores that might be used for the purpose of fishing.”
Skylar Croy, a WILL lawyer, says that rule – Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 20.05(2) – violates the Second Amendment.  The rule goes back to 1966, according to Croy, when a regulation went into effect that banned the shooting of muskies. That regulation, however, did not address something such as carrying a pistol for self defense.
Harvesting fish with a firearm is still illegal in Wisconsin, which is not the crux of the issue, according to Croy. 

Wisconsin DNR’s ‘no guns for fishing’ rule challenged in court Read More »

Hunter Nation visits Medford, Wis., for listening session related to predator management

Hunter Nation and state legislators carried a “stand up and be counted” type of message regarding Wisconsin predator management to Medford, Wis., recently, following a similar meeting in Park Falls earlier.
Hunter Nation’s Medford listening session again touched on predator numbers, and more specifically about wolf issues rural people deal with every day. As with similar meetings, it was well attended by legislators and citizens.

Hunter Nation visits Medford, Wis., for listening session related to predator management Read More »

Discussion regarding wolf damage payments, social carrying capacity dominate meeting in Marshfield, Wis.

Questions regarding the wolf damage payment fund, social carrying capacity and a population goal carried the evening during a DNR open house meeting on the topic in Marshfield, Wis.
The DNR also set up an open house meeting in Ashland, with both meetings following the Sept. 27 Natural Resources Board (NRB) meeting where NRB members sounded mostly supportive of the DNR’s draft plan in their comments. The open house format does not allow for wide-open discussion in which those attending might ask questions of panel members. In an open house setting, attendees meet one-on-one with DNR personnel to ask their questions.

Discussion regarding wolf damage payments, social carrying capacity dominate meeting in Marshfield, Wis. Read More »

Another big season expected for Wisconsin bear hunters in a state that keeps producing

If Wisconsin isn’t the top bear-hunting destination in the country, the state sits awfully close to the summit with roughly 4,100 bears registered each of the last 10 years (4,171 average).
According to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wisconsin ranks consistently among the top bear-producing states. Not only do Wisconsin hunters harvest a good number of bears, but some of those bruins rank right at the top the Boone and Crockett (B&C) record books.

Another big season expected for Wisconsin bear hunters in a state that keeps producing Read More »

Third Wisconsin wolf session brings several sides together

As the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) continues to work on revising the state’s draft wolf plan, the topic is no less heated for those who deal with wolves on a daily basis. The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, the Wisconsin Association of Sporting Dogs, and Wisconsin Wolf Facts recently partnered to hold a third listening session, this one in Clintonville, allowing residents to speak about their personal experiences with wolves.

Third Wisconsin wolf session brings several sides together Read More »

Drop in Wisconsin’s grouse drumming survey no surprise

Based on spring ruffed grouse drumming counts, Wisconsin’s popular game bird population likely stands three years past the peak of the 10-year cycle.
Preliminary drumming counts are down 11% overall across the state’s grouse regions, according to Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Wildlife Biologist Alaina Gerrits, of the Woodruff office.

Drop in Wisconsin’s grouse drumming survey no surprise Read More »

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