Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

August 31, 2024

Commentary: Wisconsin DNR Office of Communications failing in its responsibilities to outdoor public

The definition of communication is “the sending and receiving of information between groups in a face-to-face manner or through communication devices.”
It’s not complicated, so my question is why does the DNR’s Office of Communications seem to be struggling with this concept? The importance of communications between units of government and the people they serve can’t be understated. Transparency and, unfortunately, credibility, suffer when this communication doesn’t happen.

Commentary: Wisconsin DNR Office of Communications failing in its responsibilities to outdoor public Read More »

Should Wisconsin’s state game bird be the ruffed grouse, wild turkeys, wood ducks or …?

Should the wild turkey be declared the official Wisconsin state game bird?
Or the ruffed grouse? Maybe the wood duck?
Some might say making the wild turkey the state game bird is a no-brainer. Kind of like asking should blue be the official color of the sky?

Should Wisconsin’s state game bird be the ruffed grouse, wild turkeys, wood ducks or …? Read More »

For those hunting and exploring in snake country, is the fear of being bit really justified?

Going hunting or hiking in a state with venomous snakes? Read on.
Some evidence suggests that we’re born with a fear of snakes. Personally, I have gone both ways. I once kept snakes as a teen, which mostly ended when my large garter snake (note, they are not “gardner” snakes) escaped its cage and lived somewhere in our house for a couple of weeks. This sent my mother into a snake-fearing frenzy in which every step she took was preceded by careful inspection of where her foot would land.

For those hunting and exploring in snake country, is the fear of being bit really justified? Read More »

We Fixin’ to Fish organization promotes fishing to inner city youth in Michigan

A quick count of out-of-state license plates in the parking lot of any Great Lakes public access site will confirm what most Michigan anglers already know: People travel to enjoy some of the best freshwater fisheries in the world.
Michigan anglers can be forgiven for sometimes taking this access for granted, but many would be surprised to learn that most young people who live within walking distance of the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, or Lake Erie have never been fishing.

We Fixin’ to Fish organization promotes fishing to inner city youth in Michigan Read More »

Mike Schoonveld: Are anglers catching drug-crazed salmon?

The rod set on my deepest downrigger popped straight and then a second or two later, the rod doubled over again as the fish felt the pull of the line arching through the water and the strain of the lure pinned in its mouth. Then the fish went crazy.
First, it headed for the top of the lake. “Perhaps it’s a steelhead,” I thought as my fishing partner grabbed the rod.

Mike Schoonveld: Are anglers catching drug-crazed salmon? Read More »

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