Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

May 11, 2024

Getting pushy with toms: Here’s when and how to call aggressively for turkeys

We’ve all heard aggressive turkey calling – on TV, sitting next to a hunting friend, or sometimes even in the woods just after fly-down as two hens dish out an array of insults toward one another.
The results of such calling can be wholly ineffective, or strangely successful, at times with no rhyme or reason to the responses. Zero-to-hero moves are what make turkey hunters get out of bed in the morning, but often there’s a purpose to the practice, rather than haphazard hunters getting lucky.

Getting pushy with toms: Here’s when and how to call aggressively for turkeys Read More »

Notes off a soiled cuff: Thoughts on turkeys, CWD in Pennsylvania, and more

By now, you likely have heard about researchers in Texas reporting last month on a case in which two deer hunters contracted a rare and fatal brain disease after eating venison from deer that may have been infected by chronic wasting disease.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has said there’s no connection between their deaths and being exposed to CWD, but the report sent shudders through hunting communities – like our state’s – dealing with CWD in their deer herds.

Notes off a soiled cuff: Thoughts on turkeys, CWD in Pennsylvania, and more Read More »

Commentary: Public input important to Wisconsin deer work

County Deer Advisory Committees (CDACs) are done with this year’s work, but how much does members’ efforts impact all the variables that influence deer numbers, as their charter requires? The truth is, CDAC members are limited to deciding only antlerless permit numbers in their counties, and possibly some small impacts for additional seasons.
I reviewed public comments from the CDAC surveys in the two forest zones this year, as I have in many years past. Out of 24 counties in the Northern Forest and Central Forest zones, I saw that predator impacts were listed in a high percent of comments.

Commentary: Public input important to Wisconsin deer work Read More »

Need a scope for your deer rifle? Hunters may find an advantage in BDC scopes

Should you own a bullet drop compensator (BDC) scope? Maybe, maybe not.
Dialed in, it can be a hunter’s dream, offering the potential for an accurate 200-yard shot with a rifle sighted in at 100. Sounding like a specialized optic, it is a typical scope in terms of the lenses and tube. The difference may not be obvious when you look inside, either. The compensator refers to the mil-dots or hash marks on the reticle, what I have always known as crosshairs.

Need a scope for your deer rifle? Hunters may find an advantage in BDC scopes Read More »

Mike Schoonveld: How you clean fish impacts the flavor of your fish

I remember the first fish I ever caught that someone cleaned for me and I got to eat it. My grandpa laid the tiny sunfish on the counter, used a spoon to scrape off the scales, chopped off the head and slit the belly open to pull out the entrails.
My dad wasn’t a fisherman and grandpa didn’t live close so I was mostly a self-taught angler. And since that’s how I was taught to clean fish and since the local ponds near my hometown were full of small sunfish, that’s how I cleaned fish I caught for the next dozen years or so.

Mike Schoonveld: How you clean fish impacts the flavor of your fish Read More »

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