Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Mike Raykovicz: Last call ice bait for panfish

Almost every ice fisherman knows what a mealworm looks like. These yellow, round, waxy worms are about an inch in length and are the immature larvae of the black beetles often found in grain or flour. (Contributed photo)

With this warm winter weather, most lakes remain unfrozen or have only a thin skim of ice, which means ice fishing has been put on hold for most of us.
For years my neighbor and I headed a few miles south across the Pennsylvania border to ice fish for trout. The only lures we ever used were black, yellow, or white bucktail jigs and small jigging Rapala minnows. We usually caught trout and never considered using bait of any description unless we targeted perch or other panfish. 

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