Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

No wild pheasants in Pennsylvania? State Pheasants Forever chapter keeps giving

Pheasants Forever’s Northwest PA Chapter No. 728 runs two Youth Pheasant Hunts every fall. “Kids are there to hunt pheasants but they’re also learning,” said chapter President Ed Moss. “We try to educate youth to the whole picture that supports wildlife and hunting.” (Photo by Ben Moyer)

Pheasants Forever stands out among groups because its work benefits the environment and society, beyond the welfare of its species of interest – the ring-necked pheasant. Pheasants Forever promotes and helps to implement agricultural practices and policies that conserve topsoil, protect clean water, sequester atmospheric carbon, provide habitat for nongame wildlife and other hunted game, foster public access, and improve farm productivity.
So, if Pheasants Forever’s national program is admirable, a local PF chapter that continues to strive for those improvements, even after hope for huntable flocks of wild pheasants on its home turf have dimmed, is a group that merits appreciation and praise. 

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