Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

September 24, 2023

2023 Pheasant Forecast: What can hunters expect in the Upper Midwest?

A common theme ran through the staff of upland biologists with Upper Midwest state agencies, as well as those who work for Pheasants Forever, when it comes to the 2023 pheasant outlook. How was the long, snowy winter going to impact the pheasant survival? Some might be surprised these tough birds handled it just fine and the warm, relatively dry spring was ideal for nesting and brood survival.
This means pheasant hunters can expect a 2023 season as good or better than last fall. Here’s a look at the primary pheasant states on both sides of the Mississippi River.

2023 Pheasant Forecast: What can hunters expect in the Upper Midwest? Read More »

Minnesota couple shares the healing power of nature, offering free stays at their vacation property

Sometimes you just need to get away. Dave and Esther Endicott understand this, and that’s why they’ve offered use of their new vacation property to others – free of charge.
The couple long had desired a camping spot to call their own, so Dave purchased the 11-acre St. Louis County tract (near Cotton) in March to surprise his wife on her birthday. On his drive home to Jenkins, in Crow Wing County, he said he realized the couple wouldn’t be able to use the property to its fullest due to life’s circumstances. It occurred to him that it should be shared.
“I had lost a brother to suicide. I thought, you know, maybe we could offer this space to folks that have been impacted by suicide, mental illness, mental health issues, either themselves or a loved one,” Dave said.

Minnesota couple shares the healing power of nature, offering free stays at their vacation property Read More »

Right place, right time: How to find bucks in the Adirondacks

Tackling big woods bucks can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With millions of acres within the Adirondack Park, there are plenty of places that hold big bucks. Although some areas are known for holding a higher concentration of deer, there are other places that attract a lot of bucks in November and the last few weeks of the season.
Success in the Adirondacks often relies on one’s ability to pick the right place to hunt at the right time. Instead of throwing a dart at a map and picking a place, it might be a better idea to look at the annual deer harvest statistics of each county. This will give you a better idea about the likelihood of being successful depending on your choice.

Right place, right time: How to find bucks in the Adirondacks Read More »

Coyote attacks in Ohio are rare, but recent attack on 3-year-old shows they sometimes occur

A coyote attack on a 3-year-old girl in south Columbus in early September raised questions about the crafty canines and their growing presence on the Ohio landscape.
According to the Ohio DNR, coyotes were historically found in the prairie West. And they began moving eastward into Ohio in the 1930s. By 1988, they were found in all 88 counties. Katie Dennison, a biologist with the Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife, said the migration was the result of Ohio’s deforestation and abundance of open fields, as well as a lack of predators like wolves and cougars.

Coyote attacks in Ohio are rare, but recent attack on 3-year-old shows they sometimes occur Read More »

Here’s what was learned through seven years of turkey research in Illinois

Capturing and outfitting Illinois wild turkeys with transmitters over a seven-year period has yielded some interesting findings.
To continue adding to our understanding of wild turkey ecology, behavior, and their response to forest management activities, we have focused on studying hen turkeys in western, central, and south-central Illinois.

Here’s what was learned through seven years of turkey research in Illinois Read More »

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