Open-water walleye tips for the opener
Monitor water temperatures closely and bring live bait, especially leeches and shiners, to connect with Minnesota’s favorite sportfish on May 11 and beyond.
Monitor water temperatures closely and bring live bait, especially leeches and shiners, to connect with Minnesota’s favorite sportfish on May 11 and beyond.
Border waters provide some the first opportunities to launch a boat and work the schools of pre-spawn walleyes and saugers.
There are definitely times when fish demand an increase in vibration and flash. But just the opposite can be the attractor, so bring an assortment of colors.
As the heart of hard water arrives across the great North American ice belt, “T3” answers your questions to help improve your angling skills this cold-weather season.
Top anglers match spoon design for different phases of winter and the moods of walleyes.
Open water still exists, but as freezing overnight temperatures become status quo across the north country, take these steps to prevent damage to your expensive equipment.
Employ your entire tactical angling arsenal when targeting the monster bass of October.
North country lakes will begin experiencing turnover in coming weeks, but you still can enjoy quality fall angling before, during, and after this annual period.
With kids in school and summer in the rearview mirror, angling for big fish becomes a priority for fishing experts like “Tackle” Terry Tuma.
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