Spring gobbler season coming, but not fast enough
Pass the time by prepping gear, clothing, and calls, and there’s never a bad time to practice your calling.
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Pass the time by prepping gear, clothing, and calls, and there’s never a bad time to practice your calling.
Just when you’re ready to relegate one to a stash of calls in your camo bag, you connect with the right striker and you’re ready to put it in your vest for future action.
I don’t know much about centerpin fishing but I’m ready and willing to learn, especially after seeing all the Facebook photos from friends who seem to consistently – and I mean consistently – score on
Looking at the season to this point, the writer is beginning to see that they’re getting out of it what they put into it.
Make the memories while you can, while your legs still allow you to hunt hard, and before something comes along that prevents you from doing what you love. You never know when your hunting time
I jokingly say I like to visit a taxidermist once every 30 years or so, but when I look back at that statement, it’s really no joke. I’ve only taken two decent bucks over nearly
Author’s game plan is to hunt next week, around Oct. 15, after he’s convinced himself he’s as ready as he’ll ever be to make the shot when it counts.
Bowhunters, myself included, can be a fickle bunch. Take New York state archery hunters, for instance. For years we lobbied hard for an earlier opening to the archery deer season, and DEC finally bumped it
You don’t have to be a biologist with a degree in forestry, but some basic knowledge can go a long way in the deer woods.
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