Club coyote hunts setting records
The Mosquito Creek Sportsmen’s Association had a record-breaking hunt, and it was a good year for many other hunts, too.
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The Mosquito Creek Sportsmen’s Association had a record-breaking hunt, and it was a good year for many other hunts, too.
Banquets/Fundraisers. March 18: Yellow Creek WTU Banquet, 5 p.m., Chestnut ridge Resort, Blairsville. For more info call Stick Lawson, 724-479-2754. March 18: West Branch WTU Banquet, 4 p.m., Genetti Hotel, Willamsport. For more info call
Just a week after a powerful wind storm took down their nest, a pair of American bald eagles built a new nursery and appeared to be sitting on an egg.
NORTHWEST REGION From the Game Commission Butler County WCO Christopher J. Deal reports that multiple people have been cited for hunting with a centerfire rifle during the late flintlock season. Butler County has not been
Banquets/Fundraisers. March 3: Shade Mountain NWTF Banquet, Reedsville Firehouse. For more info call Ted Carothers, 757-285-4518. March 4: Red Rock NWTF Banquet, Apple Tree Terrace Newberry Estates, Dallas. For more info call 570-825-9744. March 4:
The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission is now stocking trout across the state. Anglers are reminded that Stocked Trout Waters are closed to all fishing from March 1 until 8 a.m. on opening day of
The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission has begun its seasonal trout stockings in streams and lakes across the commonwealth. For a schedule, visit www.fishandboat.com. Boaters are reminded that mandatory cold-weather life-jacket regulations remain in effect
NORTHWEST REGION From the Game Commission Butler County WCO Chip L. Brunst reports that, in a two-week span, he completed hearings for two people who failed to obey signs posted on state game lands, as
Banquets/Fundraisers. Feb. 18: Towanda Gun Club WTU Banquet, 4:30 p.m., Towanda Gun Club, Towanda. For more info call Karen Parkhurst, 570-265-5519. Feb. 18: Harrisburg Beagle Club, Rabbit Hunt & Banquet, 3 p.m., Marysville Lions Club
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