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Michigan Outdoor Observations: New legislation introduced to delist the gray wolf; might it actually work this time?
Gray wolves have bolted back into the spotlight with the introduction of legislation that could remove them from federal protection.
The Pet and Livestock Protection Act, introduced last month by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.)

Widening user base, other trends shift how Michigan COs invest resources
While most calls to Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources’ Report All Poaching hotline remained focused on fish and wildlife issues in 2024, a widening user base and other trends are shifting how law enforcement is

Hunting, fishing, family fun, highlight Michigan’s Outdoorama set for Feb. 20-23 this year
If you enjoy your time in the outdoors – hunting, fishing, boating, camping etc. – then Suburban Collection Showplace is the place for you and your family Feb. 20-23 when the 52nd Annual Outdoorama returns

Funds ready for Upper Peninsula Deer Habitat Improvement Partnership grants
“There are three primary goals applicants should strive to meet,” said Bill Scullon, DNR field operations manager and administrator for the grant initiative. “The projects should produce tangible deer habitat improvements, build longterm partnerships between

Michigan Mixed Bag: Last call for Michigan ODN Person-Of-The-Year nominations
Michigan Outdoor News is accepting nominations through the end of the month for the 2025 Person of the Year award. The staff at MON needs your help to find a quality individual to recognize with

Details of case show text messages from Alexander among the suspect’s undoing after poaching giant Ohio buck
Detailed text messages and a widely-circulated photo proved to be the undoing of Christopher “C.J.” Alexander in a landmark deer poaching case.
Alexander, 28, of Wilmington, Ohio, is serving six months at STAR Community

Artists encouraged to enter Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp competition
The Ohio DNR (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is accepting submissions for the Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp competition taking place between Saturday, Feb. 1 through Thursday, Feb.13. The winner of this year’s competition will have his

Ohio Mixed Bag: Wyandot County named top PF/QF chapter
Wyandot County PF/QF’s efforts are funded entirely by the group’s annual banquet fundraiser. This year, the event will be held on March 1 at the Wyandot County Fairgrounds Masters Building. For more specific information on

Michigan legislation would require COs to use body cameras, search warrants
State representatives Greg Markkanen (R-Hancock) and Dave Prestin (R-Cedar River) have introduced two bills that would affect the way the Michigan DNR’s Law Enforcement Division does business.
The bill introduced by Markkanen would require