Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Jim Abrams

Commentary: Many Midwest states studying perils of ruffed grouse

Driving through Michigan, a state known for one university’s love for an over-grown weasel and as a hot destination for sportsmen and women, I came upon a portion of a public wildlife area that appeared to be devastated. Literally devoid of most trees and shrubs, it looked like a tornado had ripped through and a giant vacuum had been used to clear most of the debris. I wasn’t surprised.

Commentary: Many Midwest states studying perils of ruffed grouse Read More »

Commentary: Spring winds push many rare species into Ohio, and there are many spots to explore for birders

The annual return of wintering birds to their ancestral breeding and summering grounds is in full-flight. Many folks have begun putting out their hummingbird feeders in the hopes of capturing bragging rights for spotting the first returnee to reestablish nesting sites.
Others can’t wait to try their hand at unraveling the mystical identities of woodland warblers hiding among unfolding leaves.

Commentary: Spring winds push many rare species into Ohio, and there are many spots to explore for birders Read More »

Commentary: Turkey hunting as much about the process as it is about the bird

I was first struck with the idea that hunting turkeys would be an enjoyable pastime when a newly introduced fellow quietly sat down with our small group in a poorly lit bar.
He pushed photos of himself posing with a long beard and a bottle of celebratory “Wild Turkey” bourbon. The story he told was fascinating as it painted a vivid picture of his scouting trips. The morning opener had brought along a lone gobble from a distant hillside, a fast-paced move to get closer, and then a slower creep to gain a hidden position on the bird.

Commentary: Turkey hunting as much about the process as it is about the bird Read More »

Commentary: Many Ohio fish species adjust routines during spring spawning urges

As St. Patrick and Mother Nature begin rolling out the green, runners of all types will take to sidewalks, dash along in organized races, down park trails, and through the rivers and streams to help launch spring’s rebirth.
Rivers, you say? Wouldn’t that be called swimming and not running? Yes, I did – and it ends up being both.

Commentary: Many Ohio fish species adjust routines during spring spawning urges Read More »

Commentary: Ohio steelhead program owes a lot of success to late Phil Hillman

The between months, anglers know them well. It’s that period when your boat sits winterized while you’re surviving winter’s frigid chill and waiting for spring’s first cast. 
Some of us are lucky enough to have a dog to hunt, birds to watch, and deer stands to sit in. But for some unknown reason which I can’t fathom, there are folks who mope about until temperatures make their spring rise.

Commentary: Ohio steelhead program owes a lot of success to late Phil Hillman Read More »

Commentary: Ohio wildlife agencies, officers play vital role in conservation

During the late 1800s, experts were advising the Ohio General Assembly that the state was quickly losing its fish populations. In fact, many were warning that soon there would be no fish left in the state’s streams or rivers if something wasn’t done quickly. Thus, in 1873, was born the Ohio Fish Commission – the grandfather of today’s Ohio Division of Wildlife.
Charged with turning around these losses, it was recognized that many other of Ohio’s native species were suffering. Deer, turkeys, otters, wood ducks, mute swans, and other species were declining rapidly.

Commentary: Ohio wildlife agencies, officers play vital role in conservation Read More »

Commentary: The most-feared predator of all for whitetails? One study shows it’s humans

As someone whose career was based around wildlife, sometimes a report or a study comes out that makes me shrug with a “no kidding” feeling creeping over me. Recently, Steve Rinella shared such a fact-finder in his MeatEater newsletter.
This one looked for the answer as to what predator was the most likely to stimulate a response in white-tailed deer behavior. In other words, what scared them into altering their habits. Conversational human voices were overwhelmingly the most fear-inducing of the sounds to which the deer were exposed.

Commentary: The most-feared predator of all for whitetails? One study shows it’s humans Read More »

Commentary: Know the difference between hellbenders and mud puppies

I taught myself to fly fish while in high school and have continued the sport since. One of those learning waters was Little Beaver Creek in Columbiana County, Ohio. Known for its ability to swamp canoes and hide trophy smallmouths, it was one of my favorite haunts.
On one of the many trips wading its waters, I stepped on a big flat rock that transformed into a teeter-totter and sent me splashing. As I unsteadily stood, I saw a squashed-looking, slimy, waterlogged thing scurrying away into a submerged crevice.

Commentary: Know the difference between hellbenders and mud puppies Read More »

Commentary: Grouse in trouble in Ohio, but we are not alone

There have been recent suggestions that the Division of Wildlife may be considering suspending ruffed grouse hunting in Ohio. I understand that this rumor began when the question was posed by a Wildlife Council member questioning the impact such action might have on the crashing grouse population.
It is my understanding that this is not currently being entertained by the division as part of this year’s hunting and trapping proposals.

Commentary: Grouse in trouble in Ohio, but we are not alone Read More »

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