Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Tom Bahti: A list of some outdoor truisms

One of Tom Bahti’s truisms calls for outdoorsmen to buy two, and maybe three, of whatever item they find that really works because manufacturers are bound to discontinue or change that time. Case in point – Dean Bortz’s Danner Pronghorns, his second (back) and third pair. Danner’s first generation Pronghorns were Bortz’s favorite boots. The second generation Pronghorns (back) had fewer useful features and weren’t as comfortable as the first gens. Luckily, Danner produced a third generation that nearly mirrors the first gen boots. Bortz has another pair of new third generation boots held in abeyance. His old boots are now relegated to firewood and leaf-raking duty. (Photo by Dean Bortz)

For several decades, I’ve been writing a brief column of “truisms” for Intelligent Tinkering, the publication of the Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society. It’s just a silly list of wit and wisdom that I’ve borrowed, stolen or plagiarized with impunity from other sources.

Such pearls of wisdom as, “Leaders should not get too far in front of their troops or they will get shot in the ass,” or, “Elect clowns and expect a circus,” make it into print. You get the idea … .
I got to thinking the other day that there are a handful of these truisms that relate to the outdoor pursuits that we all enjoy. Let’s take a look a few.

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