Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Friday, February 7th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

March 6, 2024

Mark Nale: Pennsylvania’s wealth of public land questioned

I was troubled by a recent article in Pennsylvania Outdoor News, headlined “Senators: PGC owns enough game lands.” 
The story reported on comments made by Pennsylvania senators after Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans gave his annual report to the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee. Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R–Butler, Clarion, Erie, Forest, Venango and Warren counties) wanted to know if there was an upper limit to the acres of game lands that the Pennsylvania Game Commission should own.

Mark Nale: Pennsylvania’s wealth of public land questioned Read More »

Iowa DNR shares hunting and trapping results from 2023 during public meetings

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources hosted a total of 18 town hall style meetings on Feb. 20-21 across the state to recap hunting and trapping seasons, discuss possible rule changes and to address comments from those who attended the meetings.
“Feedback from all the meetings was positive with all of them lasting at least two hours, which meant they were having good discussions,” said Todd Bishop, Wildlife bureau Chief for the state of Iowa.

Iowa DNR shares hunting and trapping results from 2023 during public meetings Read More »

Delta Waterfowl establishes Niagara Frontier chapter in New York

Delta Waterfowl, one of the leading conservation groups dedicated to waterfowl and waterfowl hunting, is expanding its footprint in the Empire State.
According to Bob Sieman, of Amherst, N.Y., current chairman of the committee overseeing the new chapter, the group was formed just this year (2024) to the delight of waterfowlers in Western New York.

Delta Waterfowl establishes Niagara Frontier chapter in New York Read More »

It’s ‘a cycle of life,’ so why are fewer hunting deer in Illinois?

Mike Foulk walked along the edge of a harvested farm field southeast of Macomb, Ill., just after sunrise on a hazy, damp, and chilly morning in early December.
Foulk hoped to spot a deer. He is one of a decreasing number of firearm deer hunters in Illinois.
“Duck hunting is my main passion, but we didn’t get a deer last year so I wanted to focus on trying to get a deer this year,” he said.

It’s ‘a cycle of life,’ so why are fewer hunting deer in Illinois? Read More »

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