Duck brood, fall flight numbers spike in N.D.
Anticipated to be about 26% above last year’s fall flight.
Home » North Dakota Game and Fish Department
Anticipated to be about 26% above last year’s fall flight.
North Dakota Game and Fish Department upland game biologists summarized the spring survey results for sharp-tailed grouse, ruffed grouse and greater sage grouse. Summaries from the spring sharp-tailed grouse census indicate a 13% decrease in
Spring breeding duck index was the 23rd highest on record and stands 38% above the long-term (1948-2021) average.
The fish is the largest weighed in the state that was not a paddlefish or pallid sturgeon.
The state Game and Fish Department is making 64,200 licenses available, down 8,000 from last year.
Many people are a little surprised and often enlightened when they visit with a North Dakota game warden and learn more about the people behind the badge. A hunter may not realize the time and
Anyone who has hunted in North Dakota might have received a hunter harvest survey in the mail from time to time. And right now is one of those times to watch for a survey in
That’s the case with a lot of the younger walleye fisheries in the state now. Still, while word of a good walleye bite can lure ice anglers from afar, when a North Dakota lake is
“This year’s count was the lowest fawn-to-doe ratio since 2011 and 2012, following the severe winters of 2008 through 2010.”
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