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Rabbits disappearing from Central Park
New York (AP) — If anyone knows why the bunnies have disappeared from Central Park, wildlife officials are all ears. Though abandoned pet rabbits perennially turn up after each Easter in what’s affectionately called New
Six-week search finds no Asian carp in Chicago-area rivers and canals
AP Environmental Writer Traverse City, Mich. (AP) — An initial six-week mission to catch and kill Asian carp lurking on the Great Lakes’ doorstep turned up none of the despised fish, suggesting few if any
Michigan DNRE Supports Action by Minnesota to Delist Gray Wolf
DNRE Report Lansing, Mich. — The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment today said it supports recent action by the State of Minnesota to remove the gray wolf from the list of species protected
Pennsylvania groundwater recharge information available in user-friendly report
Harrisburg – The month of April is known for rain showers, but a new Pennsylvania Geological Survey report says that the state’s groundwater actually recharges the most during March. The report, “Summary of Groundwater-Recharge Estimates
Minnesota Deer Hunter Ethics Award winners announced
The Minnesota DNR, the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association (MDHA) and Turn In Poachers (TIP) have announced winners of the 17th annual Deer Hunter Ethics Award. The award honors deer hunters who have exhibited conduct during
Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners to meet April 19-20
Harrisburg — The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners will be meeting on Monday and Tuesday, April 19-20, at the agency’s Harrisburg headquarters, 2001 Elmerton Ave., just off the Progress Avenue exit of Interstate 81. The
Spring trout season details released
DNR has stocked more than 60,000 rainbow trout in 43 ponds and lakes statewide – which means the popular spring trout season is a go. This year’s season opens at 5 a.m. on April 3.
Minnesota DNR habitat stamp contest dates set
Entry deadlines and contest dates to select the Minnesota DNR fish and wildlife 2011 habitat stamps have been established for the 2010 calendar year. All entries must be submitted to DNR, Division of Fish and
2010 bull moose hunting permit application deadline is May 7
Minnesota residents who wish to participate in the 2010 moose hunt this fall in northeastern Minnesota must apply by Friday, May 7. The Minnesota DNR will make 213 permits available in 30 zones. Hunt participants