Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Hook and Bullet

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Take your digital mapping to the next level

How humans read and view modern maps is one of the biggest advancements when it comes to changes in the world of hunting.

For most, long gone are the days of looking over a physical

Wings Over Wisconsin has track wheelchairs available

Wings Over Wisconsin (WOW) wants more people to know about the all-terrain wheelchairs available for use from several local WOW chapters. The program was started 20 years ago by the Fond du Lac chapter.

New York to get $32 million in federal conservation funds

New York is poised to receive nearly $32 million in federal conservation funds for the Fiscal Year 2025. The funding is among $1.3 billion in apportionments nationwide though the Wildlife Restoration Act, better known as

Patrick Durkin: CWD is sinking deer herds in disease areas

If you’re seeing too few deer in southwestern Wisconsin for your hunting or viewing pleasure, it’s time to accept the obvious reason: The culprit is chronic wasting disease (CWD), the always fatal prion disease that

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