Sunday, November 3rd, 2024

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, November 3rd, 2024

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Hook and Bullet

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Helicopters to be used to hunt wild hogs in Oklahoma

Oklahoma City (AP) – The Oklahoma Senate has voted overwhelmingly to allow the hunting of wild feral hogs from helicopters. Feral hogs have increased in number in Oklahoma and are causing damage to crops. Sen.

Man sentenced for poaching in Montana, Alaska

Boulder, Mont. (AP) – A Jefferson City man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and was ordered to pay about $15,000 in fines and restitution for his involvement in the poaching of 41

Commission reviews Willamette Valley habitat partnership

Corvallis, Ore – Members of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on Thursday toured the largest federally funded Wetland Reserve Program project on privately owned land in the Willamette Valley. The 580-acre parcel, located in

Deer, antelope, elk seasons set at public hearing in Oakley

The Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission approved 2009 big game season regulations at a public hearing in Oakley April 16. Meeting at the Logan County Courthouse, the commission set seasons for deer, antelope and elk.

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