Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Alternative energy: new CRP threat?

By Tim Spielman Associate Editor Washington — As United States leaders look for ways to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign energy sources, wildlife and habitat may be unlikely victims, conservation groups fear. That’s why

Grouse counts on the rise across the state

By Joe Albert Staff Writer Grand Rapids, Minn. — After a protracted wait, there’s finally good news for grouse hunters in the state. The ruffed grouse population cycle may be on its way up. For


July 14: Minnewaska Lake Association Banquet, Lakeside Ballroom, Glenwood. For more info call Jerry Melby, 320-239-3974. Aug. 4: Save the Lakes Golf Tournament & Dinner. 11-9 p.m., Long Prairie Country Club. Tickets avail., Hub Supper

Dead-icated funding: Senate pulls the plug

By Joe Albert Staff Writer St. Paul – Dedicated funding officially died for the year last Thursday, when Senate DFLers opted not to return to the table to negotiate. Instead, a letter delivered by Senate

Will CSP get short-changed?

By Tim Spielman Associate Editor St. Paul – A highly regarded federal conservation program, still considered in its infancy, is already feeling the funding squeeze, according to conservation groups, including the Minnesota Project. Signup for

Citizens to be tapped for councils, input

By Joe Albert Staff Writer St. Paul – The commission responsible for spending money for environment and conservation projects wants to know what you think. The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources on its website is

Split duck seasons, new zones possible

By Joe Albert Staff Writer St. Paul – State duck officials are discussing season framework options that could mean big changes for duck hunters. Or not. Officials are deciding between options including establishment of two

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