Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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District 1 – Baudette area

Not available due to technical problems. District 2 – Bemidji area CO Dan Malinowski (Fosston) assisted other law enforcement offices by responding to a burglar alarm, an unpermitted fire, and people shooting mailboxes with a

Concerns mount over land acquisition

St. Paul – Concern is high among public-land advocates following House action last week that eliminated all $4.2 million in land acquisition funds from the bill that appropriates money from the Environment and Natural Resources

Tests show less lead in venison

By Joe Albert Associate Editor St. Paul – Hunters donated 544 deer to the venison donation program during the 2009 deer season, which is just less than what they donated in 2008, but about a

House revises LCCMR bill

House passes bill that restricts land acquisition St. Paul – The House earlier this week passed the bill that carries recommendations of the Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources, but it’s not the same bill the

Pawlenty veto costs state $60 million for easements

St. Paul – Late last week, state Natural Resources Conservation Service officials told national NRCS officials that Minnesota would be able to take $35 million in funds for the Wetlands Reserve Program. Those funds hinged

DNR tells the feds: Delist wolves, now

Holsten: Federal classification should ‘match reality’ St. Paul – The Minnesota gray wolf should be removed immediately from the federal government’s endangered and threatened species list and returned to state management, according to a petition

Bald eagle shot in Iowa’s Davis County

Bloomfield, Iowa – State conservation officials in Iowa are asking for help to catch the person or persons responsible for shooting a bald eagle in southwest Davis County. The eagle was shot from a gravel

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