Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968


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Fish Species

Session finds funds for Vermilion park

St. Paul – Minnesota is a step closer to its first state park since the 1970s. As part of session-ending negotiations and deal-making, the Legislature approved $20 million for a new state park on the

Lawmakers hashing out G&F legislation

St. Paul – Sportsmen who’ve been prodding lawmakers to create a council to advise on spending the fish and wildlife habitat portion of dedicated funding got their wish when the House approved the concept last

DNR Enforcement chief on administrative leave

St. Paul – Two top officials in the DNR Enforcement Division are on paid administrative leave as investigations begin regarding a state-supported conservation officer conference in St. Paul last July. Col. Mike Hamm, DNR chief

DNR, auditor review warden conference

St. Paul (AP) – Two state investigations will probe the DNR’s spending and fundraising that helped a game wardens conference turn a profit despite low attendance and weak private fundraising. The Star Tribune reported Monday

Anglers anticipate cool opener

Walker, Minn. – Opener walleye anglers will be dealing with cooler-than-normal water temperatures, late spawn, and possibly ice in a few locations. As for the weather, opening day forecasts have mentioned rain. Reports early this

Tribal nets trapped in ice, go missing on Mille Lacs

Garrison, Minn. (AP) – A dozen gillnets set by Chippewa Indian bands became trapped in ice floes and went missing last week on Lake Mille Lacs, reviving the debate over tribal fishing on one of

Tribal harvest under way on Mille Lacs

Aitkin, Minn. – With ice still remaining on much of Lake Mille Lacs early this week, questions loomed about the potential for tribal harvest still occurring on the May 10 state walleye opener. Despite ice

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