Monday, February 17th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

June 11, 2024

Gear to prioritize when building a whitetail Sitka system for each part of the season

Does a hunter need high-quality clothing to kill deer? It’s not a necessity for everyone, but it can certainly make hunting a more enjoyable experience, as well as keep a person in the woods longer and help one be physically and mentally ready. 
If hunting is your passion, then good clothing becomes well worth the cost over many hours spent in the woods. Here is what my clothing system currently includes for each part of the whitetail season, as well as the pieces I would prioritize if I was just getting started building a clothing system from Sitka. 

Gear to prioritize when building a whitetail Sitka system for each part of the season Read More »

Fox Chain O’Lakes marina in Illinois accused of forged rental boat approvals

A representative of a popular marina on the Fox Chain O’Lakes is in hot water after being accused of submitting paperwork with forged approvals from Illinois DNR.
As a result, the Fox Waterway Agency has suspended commercial use permits for Anchor Pointe Marina – also known as AP Marine – in Antioch. Steven Wooden, 41, the marina’s representative, was arrested on one count of forgery.

Fox Chain O’Lakes marina in Illinois accused of forged rental boat approvals Read More »

Illinois Mixed Bag: DNR encouraging ‘votes’ for favorite state parks

The Illinois Conservation Foundation is partnering with DNR to raise money and awareness for Illinois state parks. Throughout June, supporters are invited to “vote” for their favorite Illinois state park by making a donation at Every $1 donated equals one vote.

Illinois Mixed Bag: DNR encouraging ‘votes’ for favorite state parks Read More »

Egg of endangered piping plover found at Montrose Beach in Chicago

A piping plover egg has been spotted at Montrose Beach and could hatch within the next month, the Chicago Park District and its nature conservation partners announced May 31.
The egg is a culmination of years-long efforts by nature groups to boost the Great Lakes piping plover population, which has been listed as federally endangered since 1986. The egg is the product of a recent pair bond between native-born Imani, who hatched at Montrose Beach in 2021, and Searocket, one of the 5-week-old captive-reared piping plover chicks released at the beach last year.

Egg of endangered piping plover found at Montrose Beach in Chicago Read More »

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