Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Breaking News for

Sportsmen Since 1968

Minnesota’s popular Fish Lake near Maple Grove poised to drop ‘impaired’ status

Fish Lake is among the water bodies slated to be removed from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s impaired waters list in 2024 as a result of water-quality improvements supported by Clean Water Funds from Board of Water and Soil Resources. Fish Lake is 62 feet deep at its deepest point. Water-quality improvements here affect Rice Lake and Elm Creek downstream. (Photo courtesy of Dave Spatafore, FLARA)

Minnesota’s Fish Lake, a 232-acre lake bordered by a regional park with a swimming beach and public water access, achieved the phosphorus reductions necessary to be considered for delisting in 2017, after the first dose of a two-part alum treatment.
Alum treatments are applied in two half-doses to avoid a significant drop in pH, which could harm fish and invertebrates. Half-dose treatments also improve the efficiency of alum to bind to the phosphorus, locking it up within the upper layer of sediment.

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